On the traces of the legendary Tannhäuser

A sporty tour awaits the cyclist on the Tannhäuser cycle track from the foot of the Hörselberge in Wutha-Farnroda to Barchfeld, where you meet the Werra.

At the foot of the Hörselberge, where, according to legend, Tannhäuser enjoyed the joys of love with Lady Venus, the tour begins.

On an old railway line, we go to Ruhla. In the mini-a-thür amusement park, you can discover detailed reproductions of Thuringian buildings. Then it gets steep towards the Rennsteig trail. The Tannhäuser cyclist rolls downhill to the Kissel. Not far away from Schweina, a detour to the Altenberg Castle is advisable. The route continues on to Barchfeld, where after a total of 27 km, you will come across the Werratal cycle track.

Look forward to a great day on the bike.

Routing – an overview of the most important stops on the Tannhäuser cycle track:

  • Wutha-Farnroda
  • Thal
  • Ruhla
  • Schweina
  • Barchfeld