A journey to a near and yet so far away country: Eisenach & the GDR

Grown up in the GDR: Eisenach tour guides tell from their country about pioneers, the members of the state youth organization FDJ, about learning Russian and the youth consecration, but also about Stasi, border and party. Schools and children or travel groups encounter German history written during the time between division and reunification.

The GDR Time Travel is available in two very popular versions for adults & travel groups as well as for schools and children. We are looking forward to your visit and take you on an exciting thematic journey into an eventful time.


Information of the GDR Time Travel for Students & Adolescent

  • Duration: 1,5 hours
  • Price: 70€
  • Age group: from 13 years
  • Attendance: max. 30 persons


Information of the GDR Time Travel for adults & tour groups

  • Duration: 1,5 hours
  • Price: 100€
  • Attendance: max. 30 persons
  • Price additional hour: 35€ per hour


Our Service for you: We take care!

If you have any questions about the thematic city tour "GDR Time Travel" for schools, children or travel groups don't hesitate to contact us!
It is a pleasure for us to help you.

Desired date for your city tour in Eisenach.

If you would like a meeting place other than those suggested by us, you can let us know at the end of the form in the field "Do you still have questions?

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