Thematic city tour: Fantastically beautiful villa walk

This sometimes romantic-looking walk takes you to one of the largest Wilhelminian villa areas in Germany. Extremely charming views and opulent architecture will surprise you. Meet the interesting stories associated with some of these venerable town houses.

Against the graceful backdrop of an impressive landscape, the most famous architects of the 19th century built an enchanting villa district in the south of Eisenach. Well-heeled pensioners from all over Germany, but also writers like Fritz Reuter and artists like Eugen d'Albert, settled here. The glorious musical tradition of Eisenach, the rebuilding of the Wartburg at that time and the aforementioned beauty of the landscape may have been some of the many reasons for this. Meet this unique area monument and convince yourself. Accompanied by moving and amazing stories about the villas and their inhabitants, you will dive into an age that has left impressive traces. We look forward to your visit.

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